Since the day we bought an oven and a mixer during the last Christmas spending spree, my loupo has been experimenting with different kinds of cakes. After a couple of tries, we concluded that the ready-mix ones sold in the supermarkets are not quite up my standards. So I searched the Net for simple cake recipes to try on.
And little did I know, there is an expert cake-maker just nearby. This Puan Sarifah who works in the hospital kitchen makes wonderul cakes that won praises from her colleagues, including her boss the hospital Dietician (of all people who should be paranoid about calories and cholesterol). I managed to pujuk her to give me a simple cake recipe to start with. And she willingly obliged.
Anyway, we'll be making some more or this orange cake for Chinese New Year... show off ma. Anybody wants the recipe?
I'd like the recipe AND the make and brand of oven u r using. How about a photo of it too? :D
will post later. oncall today. Geez.
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