While driving back from Tenom, I came across a Datsun. The tail-lights were characteristic. I thought those cars were extinct already. What a pleasant surprise.
It did brought back some memories. My dad used to drive a Datsun long ago. It was our family car. That was at a time when all three siblings could lie down and still sleep comfortably in the backseat. So you can imagine how tiny we were.
My mum, on the other hand, drove a Fiat Mini for a short while, to bring us to school. Ahhh, yes the Mr Bean car, minus the door latch. Mum used to complain that the car goes forward when in reverse gear, and dies when you least expected it.
Nowadays, most of us drive bigger, better, flashier cars. Does that make us much happier?
my grandad had a morris wagon... the indicators would pop out from the side of the frame... the gear was at the steering wheel... when my dad and mom used it, they took turns to step on the foot pedals and operate the system! hahahahaha showing my age...
first family car was a fiat reg no AG345. wow... i can still remember
wa, your memory so good la.
AG345 was AG = Aggie. Hehehehe Hard to forget that one!
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