Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Fruitful season - Yellowbutans

You've tried lots of "ang"-moh-tans before. How about "huang"-moh-tans, like these?

Beautiful, isn't it? I thought so too. Taste great as well. Better than the red ones. Gosh I think I gulped at least fifty of those yellow gems that afternoon. Eating the fruit right off the tree is very different from eating those bought off the stalls. The ambience, as Auntie Liz calls it.

Look closely. I want to show you how thick the flesh is. And the sweet succulent flesh easily comes off the seed, and melt in your mouth.

We went there again this morning. They fetched me from my house at 5.40 am. (crazy ah this Michael?!)

And you know what, I thought the fruits captured a taste of the cool morning mist. Seriously.

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