The 'star' that night was Miss Pan XiuQiong, a well known singer from the 1960's and 1970's. Her rich and melodious voice brought her much fame and earned her the title 'Queen of Alto'. Her name is among the Hall of Fame in Mandarin oldies, alongside with Zhou Xuan (the Golden Voice of Old Shanghai), Yao Li (the Singer of the Era), Li Xiang Lan (the Queen of Soprano), Wu Ying Yin (the Queen of Nasal Singing). To people who lived that era, she is definitely no stranger. Well, err... I was born around that era, u know. My sister said "so 'uncle' kind of concert you also go ah?".
Actually, I love oldies. Maybe becos, I am an oldie. Hahaha. Seriously, songs back then were more solid and many remain as evergreens. In those days, television was rare, and people only had the radio, or the big black disc (what they call it hah) for their listening pleasure. So, singers really need to have a great voice and great songs to earn their worth. Much unlike these days, people can use their good looks, dancing skills, a bit of charisma, or X-factor of some sort to compensate for their lousy voices. Don't believe me? Look at the AF winner last season.

Back to Pan XiuQiong. She is an elegant old lady now, despite the wrinkles and grey hair. Her smile, her warmth and sincerity quickly had the audience yearning for more. I think such grace made her looked much more beautiful than the heavily touched-up photos on her album covers. She told us she was born in Macau, had her education in Malaysia, then found her fame in HongKong and Taiwan. Now she lives in Singapore, and is actively involved with charity works and singing gospel songs. Many did not know, she had a long battle with brain cancer, and had undergone craniotomy (buka kepala punya operation) and the whole package of cancer treatment. After the ordeal, she picked up the shattered pieces of her life, this time emerging a stronger person than before. Having stared death right in the face, she found hope in the Christian faith. She has been actively participating in charities involving cancer patients, cheering them on and entertaining them with her songs; and also sharing the Christian faith with her gift - her voice.
Miss Pan brought us a couple of favourite oldies, much to the delight of many senior citizens present. She shared her life story, and gave words of encouragement to the crowd. Then she sang a few more Christian hymms and songs. Towards the end, she obliged a fan by singing a request song, without music. She told us, can you believe it: this sixty- something lady is doing a tour of ten such concerts in various places!
I think, most people at this age, are no longer impressed by the tempt of money and wealth. Especially so when one has battled with deadly illness and understood the fragility of life, and learn to appreciate the truely worthwhile things in life. Not money, not wealth, not fame. Miss Pan has found her calling in encouraging other cancer patients, helping needy people, singing gospel songs, and giving thanks for every living day. True joy, she discovered, comes not in getting things we want, but in giving ourselves to people who need. Pity, many people go through life and pursuing the rat race, never realising the purpose of life even to their death bed.
To me, it seems, she has found the great enlightenment.
I am telling you the truth: a grain of wheat remains no more than a single grain unless it is dropped into the ground and dies. If it does die, then it produces many grains. Those who love their own life will lose it; those who hate their own life in this world will keep it for life eternal.John 12:24,25
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