Thought he would be talking on updates in Christianity in Malaysia. But no la, he only touched on 3 main topics.

Secondly, the implications of converting to Islam. If one truly believes in the God in Islam, then he has made the choice to his faith, as his right under the Consititution. However, if one converts for the benefits e.g. getting a Muslim spouse, for business or career opportunities, then one better rethink many times again. The implications, Rev Wong said, include (hope I got it right)...
... if a spouse converts and the other spouse doesn't, then the marriage is by law automatically nullified i.e. automatic divorce after 3 months.
... if a spouse converts, the children under age 18 will automatically be Muslims. Rev Wong calls it, the wages of sin is passed on to the generations.
... if a spouse converts to Muslim and dies, his properties will be taken by the Islamic Council, and the non-Muslim family will get nothing. Remember the tussle-over-a-dead-body in Malaysia not too long ago?
... the High Court has decided that it will not intefere with Syariah Court decisions. That means, one is bound by Syariah law and has no recourse from other civil law.
... once you enter, you cannot get out (hmmm sounds like Hotel California lyric).
Thirdly, he came to promote the 40-days Prayer for the Nation. Our nation is in dire need of prayer. From the leaders, to the economy, social welfare, transparency, justice, religious freedom, peace and security... there are so many things to pray about. Instead of complaining about the Prime Minister's incompetency, or the corrupt ministers, or rising crimes, or escalating costs of living... getting all stressed up to no benefit... better put to prayer and move the hand of God.
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