Friday, October 27, 2006

My son got less

Remember the story about "Everyone is doing it, my house is small."?

This time it reads like "Everyone is doing it, my son got less.".

His son also had a contract... and the project his son got was bigger than the one Scomi got.

"Great" minds think alike huh?

Read feedbacks from tech-savvy Malaysian public HERE, if you are interested.

I remember a proverb learned during primary school days. In Mandarin it translates into "Fifty steps laughing at a hundred steps." The story is about two soldiers who went to war, got frightened, deserted their post and ran away. The soldier who ran 50 steps laughed at the one who ran 100 steps, saying that guy's such a timid coward, ran so fast. He forgot that he himself is guilty of the same misdoing.

And another proverb I recall... "If the upper beam is not properly positioned, the lower beams will be crooked." I am not an architect la, so don't know if it is true or not. The proverb means, if the leader himself is corrupt, so will be expected of his men.

Hey, I am amazed that I still remember those school-day Chinese proverbs!

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