The church had a simple dinner last night. Simple but extraordinary. All the diners had to wear a corsage before they were allowed to eat.
Gosh, it sure wasn't easy being CG leaders. They had to accommodate people with all kinds of temperaments... and see CG members leave due to disagreements... and the pain of being criticised despite giving their best. It was a time for healing of wounds, and perhaps scars. Luckily, Pr Jerry and Lily brought a generous dose of home-remedy to sooth aching hearts... and muscles.
- being a leader is a privilege... you are given the opportunity to experience extraordinary growth
- the higher you go, the more you will kena. Jesus kena a lot, do you expect anything less?
- nobody is perfect... you and I are work in progress
- do not just see the speck in your brother's eye and yet overlook the log that is in your own eyes
- whether big group or small group, growing group or shrinking group, every cell group that perseveres is a success
- when you take a step back and look again, you will see that there are many good things sprouting out from that seemingly mess...there are new leaders being primed, growth in CG numbers, people getting excited to attend CGs, people getting baptised, members contributing to ministries... $$$ to build the new hall...
- don't just focus on the pests... look at the fruits too, and celebrate!
- there are wheat and weeds in the church... don't simply pluck out the weeds, or you may uproot the wheat accidentally... leave it to the harvester's timing
- when you impact your CG member well, you are in fact impacting the marketplace thru his/her sphere of influence... and that blesses the community
- if you want to retire, don't complain when God takes back the talents he gave you
- if you hentam Pr Jerry, he can hentam you back kau-kau, and you can never get back at him... but God has taught him to exercise control over that skill
Tommy gave a useful handle to enter 2012... take initiative, open your mouth, and see God work it out.
If you hentam Pst Jub...? How would he respond? Perhaps he wonk kasi hentam back kau kau..but kasi SHAOLIN + TAICI sama tu orang?hehehehe..
Ps Jub keluarkan perisai dan pedang dia...
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