The 8 members from LifeStrings Singapore partnered a Taiwanese singer and they are on a musical outreach tour in Sabah.

It is not everyday that you get international artistes performing in this little town of Keningau.
Here they are.

The turnout was a bit disappointing though. Maybe we did not do enough publicity.

Here's the Taiwanese singer.

In contrast to the secular music industry where gorgeous looks and great figures outweight everything else (with rare exceptions of emmmm Sharifah Aini), I find this chubby lady really cute. Gosh she was smiling from ear to ear throughout the concert! And she was so enthusiastic in her singing and her moves that you feel like wanting to join her on stage. I suspect she is full of joy inside her.

This guy told us that he is suffering from liver cirrhosis (pronounced as sea-roses). Far from a bed of roses, it means a disease of progressive hardening of the liver with much increased risk of becoming liver cancer. You would think that somebody like this would be living in fear of death, blaming the world, and grumpy and demanding while counting his final days. Goodness NO! He was on stage sharing his life story, encouraging us to make our living days worthwhile, and singing the message of the love of God!

It was an amazing concert. The songs were great, the testimonies were touching, and their passion was infectious.
If only they would come again next year, we would gather a bigger crowd.

I bought 4 CDs (original leh)... and burned a big hole in my wallet. Emm... once in a while ma.
Hey bro yr comments r very encouraging leh :-)
encouraging in what way?
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