We were in KK for the Sabah Methodist Church AGM.Here's the very beautiful meeting location. But the seats ah... well, imagine sitting on those benches from morning till evening.
Bishop Hwa Yung gave the opening address. I think he flew all the way from West Malaysia for this meeting. He gave an inspiring sermon, setting the right mood for the AGM.
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
John 13:34,35
Some salient points...
- Loving one another is not a new command. What is new is the second part... "as I have loved you".
- How does Jesus loves? Here are two examples:
He showed servanthood and utmost humility. After that he poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. John 13:5
He died for the ones he loved, and that includes you and me. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
- The most effective way of evangelism is when people see the genuine love among Christians, and find it much more attractive than what the world offers.
- Such love is always costly. It cost Jesus his life.
- Servanthood means doing things that nobody wants to do, but needs to be done.
- Christians should focus more on "being" (the right kind of person) rather than just "doing" (the right things).
- Love among Christians and unity in the church is something very close to Jesus' heart, so much so that he was praying for that even when approaching his death. That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us...John 17:21
Before you point your fingers at me, I shall confess myself that I am way way far from that ideal.
The AGM was also an important day for the many Methodist pastors in Sabah. It was their day of ordination!
Junior and senior pastors singing a hymn. Do you recognise anybody there?

The pastor from Keningau also received his naik pangkat. According to the Methodist hierarchy, one has to accumulate a certain years of experience to rise in rank, and in doing so gets a new title and more areas of empowerment.

Pastor Ai Hua became a Reverend Pastor Ai Hua.

In closing, the Bishop gave the pastors some words of wisdom...
"Being a pastor does not mean that you are perfect, or even near perfection. You have made mistakes in the past, and you will continue to make mistakes in the future. However, the church members will be willing to forgive you and overlook your mistakes, if you do these three things... Firstly, you must live a good spiritual life with much emphasis on reading the Bible and praying. Secondly, you must work hard. Thirdly, you must show that you truly love your church members."
One thing that I am really impressed with the Methodist people, is that they are so systematic in their administration. There are precise rules and protocols for almost everything. Even the words to pray are printed in full text to be read together as a congregation, wow! Some may say it's too rigid, lacking room for creativity and "as the Holy Spirit leads" thingy. Well, if you look at the bright side, it saves the trouble of learning from mistakes which can sometimes be disastrous. It certainly saves lots of time, money and energy coz one does not have to start from scratch to reinvent the wheel all the time.