Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Last Communist

I have been reading with much interest and amusement on what has been going around this recent movie/documentary by a Malaysian. I must say, I am thoroughly sickened by the 3rd-class mentality of some of our so-called leaders and YBs.

If you dunno what I am talking about, follow this link, and the comments that follow: Screenshots: Jolly good governance. Stories like this will probably be buried by the mainstream media and their political masters. The alternative media (free media?) in the Net has many stories that will open your eyes to the other side of the issue. Read with discretion and an open mind though.

Being Chinese I was always advised... if it doesn't concern you, dun bother, close both eyes. Yet I dread to think about where our disappointing leadership is heading our country towards. Will there come a day where I am not even allowed to watch my favourite Stephen Chow comedies because they are banned for containing 'foreign elements unsuitable for local culture'? Impossible? Think again.

I don't intend to dwell too much into the Malaysian political scene. Enough to say that I am so proud of what the enlightened Sarawakians have done with their votes recently.

And no I have not seen the movie/documentary myself. Now that it is banned, err... how lah?

* updated 24th May 2006 : The story just got more amusing. Read here. Now we have top government officials who can't differentiate between single political-party decisions and government decisions. Then again, probably they are synonyms, that one political party = government.

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