I mean this...

Panasonic 7.0 kg, fully automatic. Came with a set of 5 air-tight containers, so-called Hari Raya promotional gifts. Went to the hardware shop to get some stuffs to modify a bit so that the hose is long enough to connect to the tap, without having to cut the nice white-original hose. And now it sits beautifully in my bedroom (huh?).
I can almost hear you scream... "now only you buy ah?! How on earth have you been surviving without a washing machine?"
Well, first of all I am very kiam-siap and lazy to maintain such a big piece of machine for one person's clothings. And yes I have been surviving without a washing machine for the past, say, seven years or so living out of hometown. God gave us hands, remember? I recall my student elective-posting days in Kathmandu, where the lady-folks bring their families' laundry to the public tap or river, and hand-washed them in full view of everybody... the line "do not wash your dirty linen in public" does not apply in a poor country like Nepal.
Well, I was actually doing quite well accumulating my cloths for one week, then washing them at one go on weekends. Emmm... do you know that a shirt or pants can be worn up to 2 or 3 days a week, provided if you don't wear them continuosly so that nobody will notice. Then, my very very kind neighbour auntie (God bless her) interupted my schedule by taking my clothes to wash in her washing machine and drying them and folding them and putting them back on my cupboard... before I get to complete my collection for one week. Then my schedule was again interupted when my girlfriend, then my loupo said aiya bring those clothes to her house to wash la, got washing machine there ma. I wanted to buy a machine in March after getting angpows from generous guests (God bless them) to our wedding. But then my house got broken in and the thieves (God bless them? why!) stole my angpow containing money for the washing machine.
Now that school holidays is coming and my loupo is coming to stay in Keningau, finally arrives the new member.
One pic was taken by me, the other by my loupo. Guess which is which.