My ex-uni friend Ah Jun sms-ed me this morning to tell that there is an article in The Star newspaper today featuring the Lundayeh people-group.update 25.10.05: Ah Jun informed that there is an article a week earlier featuring the Lun Bawang people-group. Thanks Ah Jun!
Here's the link if you would like to read more about the Lundayehs. Just click on... Tera Ratcho’s children
And here are links to articles on the Lun Bawangs, a sister tribe to the Lun Dayehs. Someone once told me, they all originate from somewhere near the Kalimantan border; those who migrate and settle in Sarawak later call themselves the Lun Bawangs, and those who settle in Sabah the Lun Dayehs.
Nomads no more
Community compendium
The first time I heard of this people-group was when I was still in Kota Kinabalu. Someone (i forgot who) mentioned something like "you know ah, in Sipitang there is a small tribe of people... their girls ah, the skin very fair and pretty one ohh, even more fair than Chinese wor... and majority are Christians.".
I did not know of any Lundayeh people until I came here. There are 2 Lundayeh nurses in my ward currently. I visited the annual Lundayeh Festival early this year in Kemabong, but didn't have a digicam then, so no photo to show. Also, went travelling with Ah Jun to Ba Kelalan in May this year, to visit the stronghold of the Lun Bawangs.
* the photo above is taken from Sabah Tourism website