We got an invitation to attend a Korean opera last night. And the best thing was: FREE ADMISSION! How can we not attend.

What on earth is a Korean opera? Something like this in Korean costume? Maybe, doesn't matter. Good to go and see something different from the normal daily routines.
Well it turned out to be very different from what I anticipated... It was actually Korean vocalists singing Italian opera (I think, like Pavarotti). The Sabah Council of Churches brought them in to perform in Kota Kinabalu to 'enhance the level of musical appreciation locally'. It was the final night performance.
Their voices were simply amazing. They won first prices in international competitions and achieved great success in their singing careers. Unfortunately we couldn't understand a word of what they sang. Not even sure whether they sang in Korean language, or Italian.
Got told about this yesterday. Sayang lah that we missed it! =(
now penang also got a lot opera. and ko tai also. for a different cause.
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