Ryan boy is 2 years and 3 months soon. He is learning new stuffs and surprises us with new antics from time to time. Its pretty amazing to see how he learns: he observes what people do without us noticing, and imitates them. And from our speeches he picks up words that are most useful for him. Words like "don't want" (when he's got enough of a meal, of refuses something), "naa na" (he wants a bit of the banana that you're eating), "beh rak" (means please wash my buttock). In the car he enjoys sitting at the driver's lap (yeeaaa... bad habit) and pointing to vehicles and say "lo riii", "baaas"... Funny words come out from time to time. Really cute at this stage where he can't speak properly.
So cute that he's starting to call his mother by name. I think he learned that from listening to the grandparents. When we intentionally ignore him, he'll then cheekily address his mother as "mummy". Guess what he calls his father? "Lou-kung"!
At times little boy can be quite rebellious. It would be difficult to persuade him to eat when he's engrossed with riding his tricycle, while shouting "don't want" from the end of the hall. Can be quite stubborn too... if he don't want you to feed him, he won't open his mouth for you... and points his finger to the preferred feeder. When he's tired of walking, he'll just roll down on the ground and make himself dirty, so that you'll be well persuaded to carry him for the rest of the journey. Clever hor.
Little boy has a sensitive heart. If you show him an angry face, or ignore him, he'll go quietly to a corner and cry. Small small dah pandai merajuk.
Church time is his best play time with his little buddy, Amanda. So kesian, only got "fren fren" to play with on one day a week. Problem is the screaming and squealing attracts a lot of unwanted attention, especially when everybody is expected to be proper and quiet in church. Pening kepala. Today he was chasing a dog when everybody was having lunch at the church house.
Time flies. Not too long ago he was still the little baby who lay down all day and got carried around everywhere. Theses days at the slightest hint of an outing, he would be jumping around in excitement, digging the drawers for his choice clothing, and lie down on the bed waiting for somebody to get him dressed.
He got some bad habits which I dunno where he learned from. One is the habit of spitting the air liur. Yucks! Maybe he learned from the tooth-brushing lessons.
Haiyo, he's so heavy now that the expensive stroller we bought last year could barely carry his weight anymore.
I wonder how was I when I was at his age, loooonnng looonnnggg time ago.
Train up a child when he is young... when he is old, he will not depart =) So the good Lord tells us in His eternal Word. What is fun now might not be later. Most fundamental ideals, values and concepts are imbibed by four years old =) So the scientists, researchers tell us... kinda confirming the good Book really...
o yes, being parents to our first child is like exploring & discovering a new world huh? They surprised us with lots of things & made you embarrassed as well. I somehow now looking for a solution on keeping son to sit still during Sunday service (when Sunday School not available). Esp when hubby or/and me have ministry (P&W). last Sunday, son went up to the front (imitating the speaker). gosh~~ no..in this case, it's not cute at all *sigh*.
time to give him a sister/brother for companion?
:-) struggling with single income
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