Took the earliest flight of the day (maybe coz it was the cheapest fare available when I made the booking about half a year ahead). Guess what, the plane was full! Since we boarded the plane almost last (due to waking up late), there wasn't a seat for Ryan. So he had to sit on the lap lor.
Anyway, flight was smooth, and we arrived KL with the rest of the day to spare.
And so we went to KL for some last minute shopping. Midvalley Megamall it was.
Well, there were some good bargains around, and lots of choices. Too much of good thing could be bad. With so many choices, much time was spent on choosing, and choosing, and turning back and choosing again.
The decorations were really nice. Better than those we see in KK. Midvalley had huge displays of the Chinese paper-cutting art.
Ryan couldn't care much about decorations. He had a great time at the amusement park, abusing every toy there.
The next day, it's KL again. Stopped over at Central Market to see if there's anything interesting. Also to visit the Photography Exhibition organised by PhotoMalaysia, an online photography forum which I frequent.
We found a great way of earning money from your pet fish, while saving on the cost of feeding them!!! GENIUS!
It's called Cute Fish Spa.
With some convincing advertising, you can get streams of naive and curious folks paying RM5 for a 10-minute pleasure of your pet fish kissing the dirt off people's smelly legs. Now where can I find an aquarium in KK...
Guess where can you find the most number of Sabah people on a Sunday morning in Seremban?
The SIB Church of course! Yes, there is an SIB church in Seremban, if you ask.
And we were so right.
The church pastor was Irene's distant cousin and schoolmate, an energetic Lundayeh guy. And a new pastor gave his maiden sermon on that morning. A Lunbawang guy from Ba Kelalan, deep in the Sarawakian highlands, a wonderful place which I had the priviledge to step foot on many years back. His was an inspiring sermon, about how his family dealt with tough challenges in their family and working life. But Ryan slept through it all. Well, that's better than having him running all around and screaming.
On CNY eve, me make the annual pilgrimage to Melaka for the Reunion Dinner. Used to be a steamboat affair at my uncle's place. Due to rapid increase in participants over the recent years, the meal is now taken at a restaurant.
Usual CNY stuffs la, yee-sang, sharkfin soup, mushroom, little pig, prawns, fish...
We drove to Melaka again. This year, we needed 3 cars.
The usual makan-makan and angpao exchanges. Weather was HOT there!
At a relative's house, they hired a lion to dance. The clever lion could peel oranges really well. See the pattern it made on the floor.
Went to a few relative's houses to check on the other new kids on their blocs.
Then went to look for the famous satay celup. The famous shop was packed to the brim, so we settled for the new shop just next door, which was quite empty, therefore providing pretty good service. Yum yum and hot hot!
After that, went back to the historical sites for some quick photos.
The next few days were for hanging around at home... waking up late, eating more than enough, reading newspapers like pensioners, afternoon naps, shopping, ... well, in summary, living like you've made it big in life.
Ryan was more interested in playing with his cousin and fighting over toys.
Then it's back to real life in KK.
Look like you all had fun. Happy CNY!!! Gong Xi Gong Xi
wow you are FAST! I have barely done editing.
Me next! Hahahaha! This is a great post. So descriptive and well written as usual. Love the bit about the adult lego!
No wonder all I can view/see before were the photos taken *smile*. How true when they said a photo said a thousand words.
happy chinese new year...=)
~khai wei
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