Wednesday, September 05, 2007

How much is RM 100 million?

Over RM 100 million spent by Federal govt for 50th Merdeka anniversary celebrations

Based on my little bit of makan gaji salary, I can't imagine how RM 100 million looks like.

But spending it on a one-day celebration is just beyond belief. I wonder how much of it goes into the pockets of those in power. I wonder what those who struggle each day to put food on the table and keep a roof over the head would think about such spending. I wonder what do you think about it.

I detest my hard-earned tax money being spent that way.


EADotCom said...

What a contrast to the exuberant pic of Ryan's Merdeka and your reflections. Campaigning has started indeed.

Anonymous said...

hehehe... campaigning of some sort.