We attended the fund-raising dinner for the new SIB Likas (E) Fellowship Hall last night. As usual, the event was held at the Putera Ballroom in Bukit Padang.
The guest-of-honour was the mayor of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Gosh, I never knew the mayor is an SIB church member. And of course, our own beloved Pastor Jerry, the guy who fought tooth and nail for the right to use the word 'Allah'.
I was late for the dinner. There was the kids' karaoke, duet, Christian songs, Chinaman-style magic show (right down to the music)... but I was eating, so no photos from me. People say save the best for last, so I got some pics of the last presentation... Juwita Suwito!
Juwita what?! Never heard of the name before? Remember the Akademi Fantasia theme song? She was the original singer... plus a string of awards under her belt.
My friend Imelda said she can sing 'damn good'. Mel, here are some pics for you.
Hitting the high notes...
... even higher notes.
Diva mode.

Sentimental mode.
Izac enjoyed himself very much.
You shoot my photo, I shoot you also.
My camera is the latest model one. It's a Lego D1234... comes in a colourful package, extremely lightweight, easily dismantable and upgradable... and the best part is, it takes images of one's imagination. Hahaha...
Group photo of Pastor HengSie (of SIB Immanuel), Kelly and Chen-Li (visiting evangelists from China), and jet-setters uncle Say Hoe and auntie Sharon.
Mel and Kyi Kyi you guys left so early before I could take your photos. Thank you all for investing into the Kingdom.
Here's the latest development of the Fellowship Hall. Pastor said it should be done by March 2012.
Maybe Ryan can have his wedding here one day.