Irene's uncle John Liau has been getting weaker day by day since diagnosed of advanced gastric cancer early this year.This wonderful man passed on two weeks ago.Irene drove us back to Tenom for a day trip to attend the funeral in Kampung Baru Jumpa (I was too worn out from oncall the previous day).

The funeral service was held in SIB Kampung Baru Jumpa, by the pastors and team from the Basel Church of Tenom, where uncle John served as an elder.
Uncle John was a man with little material wealth. But he overflows with spiritual wealth. Many have been blessed by his hospitality and cheerful attitutude, his helping hand, and his words of wisdom. I myself, though knowing uncle John for just a couple of years, am amazed by the legacy he left behind. Uncle John's life taught me that one does not have to be rich, or even middle class, to be able to bless others with love, hospitality, and friendship. It all depends on whether we want to take the initiative to befriend others and make others feel welcomed. Uncle John was just a simple farmer who lives in a simple kampung house, shoulderig the burden of supporting the family; yet fervently serving the community through church and socio-political organisations. He was a youth leader in church during his younger days, and a community leader till his death. He gave himself, asking for little in return (unlike many politicians here in Sabah). His life touched many hearts; as you can see in the crowd that came for the funeral.
The usual way of the Lundayehs in Kampung Baru Jumpa, the village folks will help the grieving family to clear the area around the house, put up canopies and tents, cook the meals (rice wrapped in leaves, and lots of pork cooked with soy sauce). Visitors from near and afar would sit around to chat and console the greiving family.
Ryan made some new kampung friends.
The family had a prayer service at the home at night. But we were already headed back to KK by then.