Sunday, May 10, 2009

Long absence

Haven't been posting on this blog for some time.

I am struggling with some issues. Busyness at work and worriness has taken toll on me.

Anyway, here are some updates of what's been going on...

We have been attending weekly Marriage For Life classes. It is a priviledge to have brother James Lam, a successful lawyer and writer, spending time to conduct the lessons for us. We are halfway into the course now. Initially there were some difficulty in finding people to jaga Ryan (they don't allow kids in), but glad to say with support from relatives, we have been able to attend the classes together so far.

We went for church camp (see blog post below). The last time I went for church camp was ages ago, the one they had in Rasa Ria Beach Resort. Was it in 2003? I was still bachelor then. Lemme see if I can remember the theme of the church camp... Prophetic Fire? Any old timers remember?

I've been very tired and stretched at work and back at home. I feel so sorry for Irene and Ryan for having to put up with my bad mood and harsh words.

It's been very very hot in Kota Kinabalu. When will rain come?

Ryan is growing up very fast. Time is passing us very fast. Before I realise it, it's coming to middle of May already. Gosh!

Do visit Irene and Ryan at home if you are free.


EADotCom said...

I cant remember - does Irene drive?

mikestation said...

Sure she does. :-) I was the instructor.