I read with amazement the recent outcry about certain people being 'marginalised' in the state of Penang. And the irony is, those who are leading the calls of 'marginalised' are probably living in big houses and driving luxury cars that most ordinary folks can only dream about.
OK, lets do a quick comparison...
Which people in Malaysia:
- Have a economic policy that gives them huge advantages (if not monopoly) in almost all areas, with all the goodies and handouts legitimised?
- Have the liberty of producing as many offsprings as they want, knowing well that the children will be well taken care of by government (tax payers') money... boarding school, matriculation, college, scholarships?
- Get big discounts on purchasing of properties, regardless whether they are poor or filthy rich?
- Are monopolising top positions of most government agencies and departments, institutions of higher learnings, GLC companies?
- Form the majority of the country's leadership and policy makers?
- Although being the true natives in this country, are still living in jungle huts and left out by the mainstream development?
- Are denied university places and scholarships despite getting top scores in their exams?
- Have to raise their own funds to maintain their schools, due to pathetic funding from the government, and a large portion of those funds being embezzled along the way?
- Work hard but are denied promotions, coz those places are reserved for certain people?
- Most often mentioned when it comes to alcohol addiction, suicide rates, broken families, crimes of desperation?
- Despite being good citizens and diligently paying their taxes, are constantly reminded that they are less rightful than others?
If those who are given so much handouts still have the cheek to say they are being marginalised, it's either they are lazy, ungrateful, incapable... or unendingly greedy... or the lucky ones who have pocketted the handouts are not helping their own needy people.
This is not about race or politics. It's a matter of calling a fact a fact, and calling a lie a lie. Something is seriously wrong, somewhere.
very interesting double posts! how did u and ur family fare in this system of marginalisation
Thanks for looking. Hehe, just some personal opinions; could be biased coz there is 'conflict of interest' plus a bit emotional.
We fared quite OK, thanks to parents' hard work and prudent spending... and Boss' abundant blessings.
Unfortunately, many of the truely marginalised people groups are still suffering in silence or in ignorance. Then again, ignorance is bliss right?
Hmmm Perhaps not so many ignorant ones oredi. Over time many have access to info so I think less ignorant. Possibly causing more discontent,, disatisfaction and dissent? Some people got a lot to answer for.....
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