Saturday, July 29, 2006

How to solve a problem

When there's a problem and it is causing confusion and dissatisfaction, how do you solve it?

First you acknowledge that there is a problem. Usually, you call for a meeting, get the parties to sit together and talk things out, and then try to find a solution that is best for all. If that can't be done, well at least give a clear explanation, and a solution that is favorable to all. The worst thing to do is to pretend that the problem does not exist, everything ok, sweep it under the carpet, and shout 'shut up and just do as I say'. Let's not kid ourselves, the problem will not go away. It'll just wait for the right time to explode.

Unfortunately, people in high positions and leadership posts do not seem to understand the rule of problem solving. I mean THIS. And the big joke is, they are invited as guests to teach about problem solving in another country, when they could not even handle it properly with their own. Read HERE.

To me, it read weak, insincere and incompetent leadership. Pray for the nation, please.

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